Friday, April 8, 2011

Little Farm

On our hottest day last week we took a little field trip out to Berkeley to the Little Farm in Tilden Park. I think we need to go to farms more often...when I told Cameron we were going to see cows and horses, she asked if the horses were going to be pretend horses...

Our friends Caleb, Evan and Sammy came with us! Now the last time we went to the Little Farm, we were the only ones without celery and lettuce to feed the animals...I guess only insiders know to bring it. Well, this time we were prepared and had plenty of both veggies for the cows, pigs and rooster!

Timo really enjoyed feeding all the animals, especially the cows. He did accidentally get in the way of one little boy feeding and got a big cow lick on his head...ICKY! I asked him afterwards if he was OK and he said "mommy, I don't like the cow to lick my head. Tell the cow not to do that again." OK Timo, Mommy will tell the cow not to lick your head again!
Cameron was too scared to actually feed the animals but she carried a stalk of celery for looks...just so everyone thought she was one of the cool kids...
This rooster just sat up on the fence and pecked the food right out of the kids' hands. Caleb and Timo had the best time watching it reach down and grab.
Then we went inside to the little nature museum they have with all kind of tunnels, boardwalks, bridges and cool exhibits. We looked into microscopes, checked out different bugs of the region and rode the mountain lion!

We tried to walk the nature trail down to the lake (1/4 of a mile) but the kids kept getting distracted with sticks, rocks, and tossing them into the little rivers we passed. After 30 mins we decided to turn back and climb rocks on the playground...
It must have been the combination of hot temperatures and farm life....this was the only nap they took all week! This was the best part of the day for me!!

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