Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Planting

We finally got some good, hot weather last week so I could get out and get some yard work and planting done. I love that the children are old enough to actually "help"! Of course that only lasted a little while and then they were off creating a mud mess of their own...

Practicing with their watering can was a must...need to get ready for the big ones!

This year I planted jasmine and honeysuckle to hopefully climb up our back fence. Timo was helping water the new plants as well as my new rosemary bush (my other one died when I sprayed it with clover killer...note to self). I also added bark chips to what I call my "southern corner". It's azaleas, gardenias and creeping myrtles. None have ever bloomed, it doesn't get hot enough in SF, but I love the idea of having flowers around that I grew up with.

Then the fun began! The kids started this serious mud hole...oh boy did we need baths after our afternoon of playing! You can tell from the feet...a good time was had by all!!

It was so much fun getting outside after so many weeks of rain. We had a picnic lunch and smoothies to finish off our day...then straight up for baths before naps. Yay for spring weather!!

1 comment:

Sharona said...

My favorite garden in all the land!! Yay for warm weather and little gardeners! I can't wait to hear how the climbers get on.