Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jesus Answers Prayer!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Phillipians 4:6

These words can be so deep and profound...yet so simple in the mind and heart of a child...

Cameron had gotten into this cycle of waking in the middle of the night, usually around 2:30am, crying and asking, "Mommy, can you hold me a little bit?" After about four nights I was growing a little weary of this new habit...the night she woke up three times asking to be held a little bit, I decided it needed to stop. So the next night, as we were getting into bed, I held her in my arms and started talking to her about not waking up. I told her she was a big girl and big girls sleep all the way through the night without waking up. I went on about having good dreams and there was no need to wake up crying. The she looked at me with her big doe eyes and asked, for the very first time, "Mommy, can you pray for me?" My immediate respone was "of course I can, I would love to. What would you like Mommy to pray about?" And with a quiet little voice, she said "pray that I would be happy while I sleep and not cry." Oh, melt my heart!! So with pools of tears in my eyes, I prayed with her, thanking Jesus for Cameron's spirit and asking Him to give her good dreams of puppy dogs, ice cream, rainbows and lots of stuffed animals. We prayed that she would sleep all way until the next morning....and she did.

I wasn't until later, after putting her to bed, I grasp the magnitude of what just happened. Cameron believes in God and knows He answers prayers...these are very real truths in her life. When faced with something difficult, she knew who to turn to...not Mommy, not Daddy, but Jesus. Wow, how great is our God!


The Kapics said...

AMEN! A true testimony to what you guys are teaching your children!

Sharona said...

Awww, Sko! This brought tears to MY eyes. That's so amazing, on so many levels. I think I'm going to let you raise my kids, too.

Anonymous said...

I love this. Cameron and Timo watch you and Young. It is incredible to see little Cameron show recognition of this. Yay!