Friday, December 21, 2012

Baby Jesus Ornament

This year the first ornaments on our tree were these adorable baby Jesus lying in a manger.  I saw this idea on Pintrest and thought it was such a good idea.  Basically you make these baby Jesus ornaments and add hay throughout the month for each time your child does something that is a blessing.  We have yellow yarn to use as hay but you can use anything...scrap paper, real hay, sting...anything.  The idea is the more your child is a blessing, the more comfortable baby Jesus is.

So we made our little crafts and hung them on the tree as the first ornament on our tree this year.  I sense this will be a yearly tradition.  As we started our Christmas season, it was important for us a family to really focus on the first and best Christmas gift in Jesus.  I really like this idea because it's causing my children to realize the difference between doing what is asked of them and going beyond that to be a blessing to others.

It took a few days for them to get the hang of it...Cameron would say "I brushed my teeth, I get some hay" or Timo cleaned up his toys and expected hay, but that's something that is asked and expected of them.  But when she helped me fold all the laundry without having to ask her, now that was a blessing.  Or when Timo carried Cameron's lunch box because her hands were full, that was a blessing.  And the best part of this is they really don't know they are doing it, I typically have to point out that they were just a blessing and will get some hay...and they get so excited!  Their motivation is completely innocent and pure.  The whole exercise is precious because it takes the focus off themselves and gets them thinking of loving others...something that sometimes is hard to do in the Christmas Season.  It was also important for them to understand they wouldn't lose any hay by misbehavior.  Like past "reward" systems we've done, they gain or loss certain things or privileges according to their actions.  But this is not about themselves, it's how they unconditionally love and bless other, just as Jesus loves us.

Here are our hay stats a few days ago.  Since then they have received more hay...Timo helped me unload the dishwasher and Cameron wanted to call her Granny last night just to say "I love you" which was such a blessing to my Mom.  I think Jesus is looking pretty comfortable with all His hay...

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