Sunday, December 23, 2012

Holiday Fun

There is always one Saturday in December that Young is out of town...he goes to Chicago for the Chicago based company Christmas Party.  So that leaves me a whole day with just the kids to have some holiday fun.  I thought it would great for the kids to pick out the perfect Christmas gift for their Daddy.  My children inherited my love of shopping.

We had a pretty busy say planned, beginning with breakfast at Mel's (I try to buy the Groupons to Mel's for such occasions.) While at breakfast, we made out our Christmas card list.  Since we don't see any family over the holidays, there isn't much gift exchange that goes on for the twins, but they LOVE to make cards!  This was Cameron's beginning went down to about 20 people by the time she was done.
Then we headed over to Lowe's for the Kids Workshop.  We loves the Lowe's ones over Home Depot because the items are way more detailed and a little more advanced....and Lowe's is much closer.  We've done three now and really enjoy them.  This particular day we showed up a little late and they had run out of the Gingerbread House Cottage but were substituting older kits that we haven't done.  Timo got to build a firetruck and Cameron did a Ghost School Bus.  Check out the super duper goggles Lowe's give the children...
A trip to the mall was next, where Cameron was so excited to see Santa.  We even waited in line a while for the chance to see him, only to become really shy and she just wanted to say Hi and wave to him.  Trust me, I'm really OK that my kids don't want to sit in a strange man's lap.  I just love how they get so excited.
We popped into a few stores looking for something perfect for Daddy but nothing was really getting the kids super excited...until Timo spotted the most fitting gift for him.  I can't tell you what it is yet, but Timo and Cameron were so giddy picking it out.  The children were so cute wrapping it us all by themselves and putting it under the tree.  Young got home later that afternoon and I was so afraid they would spill the beans...but so far so good, they are keeping it secret!
Ok, so I just have to tell you, this camouflage shirt is Timo absolute favorite shirt. He calls it his soldier shirt! Don't be alarmed if you see it in several pictures over the next few months. He asks to wear it almost everyday. It gets put on as soon as I pull it out of the wash/dryer and he will wear it multiple times until I just have to wash it again.

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