Wednesday, December 12, 2012


OK, so I just finished my last event today so I feel I'm free and can relax the rest of the month.  I've been doing a little "event planning" on the side for friends and I gotta tell you...'tis the season for parties!  But we just had my best friend's birthday was fabulous, and now I can relax and catch up.

I think it only fitting to get Thanksgiving out of the way before we start with the Christmas post...even though we are in full Christmas mode here at the Ko household.  We had a nice Thanksgiving, full of food and good friends.  Young took the kids to the church in the morning to feed the homeless.  We sponser a table every year, prepare the meal and serve 8 people from our community that wouldn't otherwise have a hot meal on Thanksgiving.  I LOVE that we do this and get the kids involved.  (I also love having a little peace and quiet so I can get the big Thanksgiving dinner ready.)

This year, per tradition, Claudia and Ashley Busbee were there along with another friend from church, Linda Kittlitz.   We also invited our dear friends Liz and Salvador because they had just had twin girls three weeks prior and we knew the chances of them enjoying a Thanksgiving meal at home were slim.  I must say, when they walked in with two car seats, two of everything, it brought back so many memories!  Whew, so glad we are out of this stage.
Young did an amazing job deep frying the turkey!
We started the meal out by writing things we were thankful for on these cool little leaf doilies I found at the Dollar Store.  The kids were super cute..Timo was thankful for Daddy and fighter jets, Cameron was thankful for Jesus and sweet potatoes for dinner.
Yummy food, good friends and new born babies!
After the meal, again per tradition, we watched Elf!  Yeah!  What a great much to be thankful for this year...we are blessed.

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