Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Planes, Trains and Merry Go Rounds

In search of sunshine and warm summer weather, we've been taking "adventures" outside SF with our buddies Caleb and Evan Moy. Their mommy, Ana, and I have been racking our brains on fun spots to go to that are exciting and warm. One day we loaded up their mini van and traveled all the way down to Los Gatos (about 45min away) to Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad. We went down expecting a train but got so much more!
First there was the train...a pretty decent train ride as far as these little trains go (I feel I'm an expert on train rides by now..) The exciting part of our train ride was the very beginning. We thought we were getting in the last car but then the engine pulled around and hooked up to our car, making us the front car. Now, imagine you are a 3 year old and watching a train engine back up and hook to our car...they were beyond excited! Here we are thinking we're in the last car...
And then the real action started...whoa!
As much as Cameron likes trains, she absolutely loves the merry go round. She couldn't wait to get off the train and pick out her horse!
Again, trains aren't really Cameron's thing so she and I headed to the playground while Ana took the boys to the Roundhouse to see ALL the engines. They got lucky and and engineer was there and showed them all around, let them climb on the engines and even ring the bells! Ana later reported that Timo was very well behaved and, of course, asked a million questions...typical Timo, he has to know everything about everything.
Cameron and I had just as much fun at the swings...or at least she did!
When the boys joined us we tackled the best part of the playground...the giant airplane!
We didn't intend on staying most of the day but it was so hot and sunny...and the kids were having so much fun, we stayed until everything on the playground was too hot to climb on. A problem, I realized, we never have in SF.

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