Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Prestonwood Carnival Fun

A few weeks ago we had a visiting youth group from a church in Texas called Prestonwood. They were a very large performing group of about 275 youth and gave a wonderful performance in our church. In addition to us, they had scheduled performances all over SF as well as community projects to reach out and spread the gospel. One of their performances was a family carnival style event in a local park. There were bouncy houses, balloons, snow cones, hot dogs, etc...everything a kid would love.
There was an arts and craft table set up too where the kids made sun visors. I was trying to get them to smile but they were too distracted by the performance...
Here is the group performing. A smaller group came out first and did a but of modern music, to draw in a crowd. The larger group then came together and sang christian music. Such an amazing group of teens...and so many of them!
Then we found the face painting table...the twins new obsession. Cameron wanted a spider, even though she is scared of them. I think the thing she is most scared of is the thing see can't get enough of. And Timo, of course, got a baseball.
All the teens were really great about playing with the little kids. They passed out stickers, silly bands, and sang song with them. Such boldness and willingness in teenagers, it was really refreshing to see. Timo even got to show off his baseball skills with the guys...he was in heaven!
As we were about to leave there was a little visitor...a gopher come out of his hole! I guess in a public park the gophers are somewhat used to people. The kids kept putting blades of grass that the gopher would eat. Timo would toss dirt in it's hole and the gopher would kick it back out. And the teens were good about keeping the kids fingers out of harms way.

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