Thursday, August 11, 2011

Safety Block Party and Face Painting

A few days after the Prestonwood Concert in the park, we stumbled onto a safety block party in the Target parking lot. The local law enforcement and other safety management teams came together to help children know who, where, and when to be safe. It was every little boy's dream...firetrucks, police cars, motorcycles, etc. There also were policemen and firemen there to shake their hands but we don't have pics of that...the kids were a little to intimidated by them. Oh well, it was fun climbing in and out of all the emergency vehicles.
We also got these cool bags full of "The policeman is my friend" coloring books, stickers, "fireman badges" and some silly bands shaped like police badges. (silly bands must really be the "in" thing right now). As you can see, Cameron already dipped into her sticker...
Timo got to spin the big wheel and won a bouncy ball!
After jumping in the bouncy house, petting the police dog and losing about 4 balloons in the air, we found the face painting table...oh my! Timo, as usual, wanted a baseball. Cameron wasn't feeling the face painting this day...she told me "Mommy, maybe tomorrow." OK Cameron, maybe tomorrow.
But what was so funny was what I found that night at bath time. Apparently they have picked up a thing or two from all the face painting lately (VBS, carnival and safety fair).

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