Monday, March 11, 2013


Timo has always been into building things with his it building blocks or Lincoln Logs, but lately he has reached new heights with his Legos. He is either, sleeping, eating, at school or building something.  Both Timo and Cameron got a few Lego sets for their birthday, which I'm sure has contributed to his newest obsession...lots of new pieces to create with.  But honestly, he comes home, puts his backpack down and starts building till dinner and bedtime.  I love to see what creations he comes up with...such attention to detail.  Some of the ones below are from kits but others are from his imagination!
Cameron built this cute boat and little house!  I can tell she really enjoys building as well but often times gets frustrated that the grand image in her head doesn't always translate to the building tools.
But as much as we love Legos, Tinker Toys are still their favorite medium.  Timo helped Cameron build her bow and arrow out of tinker toys so she would go fight the bad guys...complete with her head lamp to help her see.   Here are few of Timo's projects lately...double life sabers, jet plane, a bicycle helicopter, jackhammer and not sure what the bottom one is but I'm sure it has to do with the army.
And we recently got a bucket of hand me down K-NEX from the Lam family.  I'm not kidding when I say they played quietly and pleasantly for over 2 hours constructing all sorts of things.  It was a Sunday afternoon and I actually got to enjoy reading my Sunday paper uninterrupted!  Wow, you know that's a quality product. Whatever their medium, I love not only seeing the creations but hearing the "back story" behind it and what it's used for.  Build, create, use your imagination!

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