Friday, March 1, 2013

Chinese New Year--Year of the Snake

Chinese New Year fell right in the middle of birthdays, Presidents Day and vacation for us this year.  It's a huge holiday here in SF and, as you can imagine, a huge celebration for the kids at school.  This year is the year of the snake so there was lots of snake making going on leading up to the celebration.  Timo and Cameron brought home coloring pages of snakes, molded clay snakes, paper snakes and this huge collaborative effort...a giant snake!

The school had the dancing dragons come and put on a show for the children.  I asked Cameron if it was scary but she said no.  "They didn't make a lot of banging noise, so I wasn't scared."  How cool to see the dragon dancers up close!
Then the school hosted a traditional Chinese New Year lunch for the students, teachers and parent volunteers.  Normally my kids are eating a packed lunch so this day was so special to eat a fresh, hot lunch!  They had it catered by a one of our favorite Chinese restaurants so I know Timo and Cameron loved it.  All the students were to dress in their finest Chinese outfits or wear red...we wore red.  
The little boy sitting next to Cameron is Ian....he adores Cameron.  He is extremely shy and very quiet but, for some reason, loves Cameron is constantly at her side.  (I'll post more on him and their special relationship soon)
Chinese New Year 2013...the Red Class.
The final festivity was the Chinese Lantern  Parade!  All the children made the lantern and marched around the playground creating their own little parade.  We love all the Chinese New Year celebrations!

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