Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chucky Cheese!

Since we were visiting in February, my nieces had school and dance practice, so we didn't get to see them that much. We were able to go to dinner on our last night in town and we chose Chucky Cheese! This was Timo and Cameron's first time, and mine for that matter, and I must say it certainly held up to the hype. It was 100mph from the time we walked in the door. I'm not even sure why they serve pizza there, my kids certainly didn't want to sit down and eat and I didn't see many other children sitting down.  I guess it's food for the parents? 
We got our tokens, Kaylee and Kenzie went to the older games and we made our way through the games Timo and Cameron could play.  We found several partner games and got right to work collecting our tickets!
Eventually the children wanted to go to separate games so Grandpa took Timo around while I helped Cameron...she did the horse riding one at least 10 times!
Of course Timo gravitated to the battleship, shooting games, busy collecting his tickets.  Cameron was taking a little break with Kaylee in the play area so I went to look for Timo and Grandpa...only to find Timo playing with the big boys in a pirate adventure game.  It was partner based game and Timo was holding his own against the 9/10 year old group of boys that had gathered.  The only problem I had was the language these boys were using was a little harsh but I don't Timo even noticed, he was so focused on navigating the levels. I don't even think he realized he was so much smaller than the other boys.  He eventually used all of his tokens on this game and was quite upset that I wouldn't give him more.
So, while we had a really good time at Chucky Cheese, we might have to wait a little long until some can learn a little more self control.  This picture was taken on our way out and Timo was in full melt down mode.  I don't think any amount of time would have been enough for him!  But it was so much fun to hand out with our cousins!!  We miss you and can't wait to see you again soon!!!!

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