Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Super Spy Timo

The kids got these super fun scopes as birthday gifts from a friend of theirs.  Needless to say, Timo loves his and has added it to his collection of "super spy" equipment.  So far he's been using it to spy on his sister in the upper bunk or around corners of doors but he moved it to a different level the other night. Young and I were on the sofa talking and noticed this little green scope popping up over the edge.  Someone was spying on us!
I peeked around the corner and found this guy trying to secretly see what we were doing!  Nevermind the fact that we heard his footsteps and heard him giggling...he thought he was being so sneaky.
Young told him he needed to crawl on the ground to really sneak up on someone so he ran down the hall and came back crawling, trying to sneak around the other corner. 
After a few minutes we spotted the scope rising up over the sofa and then over the coffee table trying to get a closer look.  We would act so surprised when he popped us and he got so tickled thinking he had out smarted us.  All he needs now is a pair of camo pjs and we might not see him at all!

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