Friday, March 29, 2013

The Julius Jaguars

Baseball season has officially started!  This year Timo is playing for the SF Park & Rec, the Julius Jaguars, which is AMAZING!  Last year he played on his school's teeball team and had a private coaching system.  That was great for his first year but little parent involvement and seemed more about socializing than the kids.  But this year, with Parks & Rec, it's 99% parent involvement and so much fun!  I don't have that many pictures from the first game because I was so busy!
Young was the first base coach and I was in the batting dugout keeping batters in order, fitting with batting helmets and bats and making sure there was a little batter at home plate after each play.  Young got these pics of Timo playing first base while he was being the first base coach.
I was so nervous about Timo's first "up to bat", afraid he wouldn't be able to hit the coach pitched ball.  It's his first year for pitch ball, he just squeaked in for his age and is the youngest on the team.  But he hit the ball on the 3rd pitch!  So proud of him!!  The mom I was working with in the batting area was so nervous for her son too so it's nice to know I'm not alone!  I love getting to know the other parents and how we all pull together to make the games and practices happen.  And the cheering is out of control, ha, ha!  Here is Timo on 3rd base about to run home...that's about all the action play I got that day but it was a great game.
The game is somewhat like Teeball in that everyone gets a chance to hit, there are no outs and they only play 3 innings...but it takes along time to play 3 long innings.  I love their coach, Coach Logan, how he gathers them together, makes the yell "Go Jaguars...Grrrr!" (imagine growling like a jaguar) and teaching good sportsmanship.  We're looking forward to our season ahead with the Julius Jaguars!
The Parks & Rec have a huge Opening Day celebartion that we missed this year, but we're marking our calenders for next year. It's a big party/picnic, team photos and an Opening Day Parade of all the teams! The parade only is worth saving the date...I already can't wait till next year!

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