Friday, February 18, 2011

3rd Birthday Bowling Bonanza!

For the twins party this year we decided to have a bowling party! After our successful night of bowling when we were in southern California, I thought it would be a great party idea...not to mention a way to have 15 toddlers party OUTSIDE of my house. It turned out to be a genius idea, most of the kids had never bowled before and they all loved it. And I must admit, not having to clean up before or after the party made it all worth wild!!

We got a super great deal at Serra Bowl in Daly hour of bowling and an hour in the party room with the, drinks, balloons, party decorations, etc! I thought two hours of partying would be plenty of time but like usual, it all seemed to go by so fast! We took way too many pictures so I tried to collage a few of them to save on space and length of the blog...

Like I said, we had 15 kids starting out bowling. They reserved 4 lanes for us and so neatly put each child's name up on the score if we were going to get 15 toddlers to play a real game of bowling...ha, ha. The kids just randomly started rolling bowls in whatever lane was free. There were balls going all over the place with parents running, trying to keep up with the next kid ready to roll. And thank goodness for the ramp!! It was so much fun watching the kids having a good time. I think the adults had just as much fun as the kids did!
Here is the cast...I totally forgot to get a group shot but did get individual pics of most of them in action...
Timothy was running around like a crazy man most of the time. He was so happy, and so full of energy...I think he really loved having all his friends around him. He stuck to one in particular, Jake. Jake is 9 years old, the son of my best friend Monique and my God son. He would only bowl if Jake was there to watch him and stayed at Jake's side constantly watching and immitating everything he did... plus I think Timo can play a little more rough with Jake than other kids his age. Cameron slipped and fell off one of the steps and slightly hurt herself, so she stayed close to Mommy for a portion of the bowling. But all in all, it was so much fun watching all the kids get a kick out of bowling! Here are some of the pictures and videos. (sorry so many of the pics are blurry...the kids were constantly was hard to get any shots of them standing still!)

After bowling it was time to head to the party room for pizza!
Some of our non-toddler guests....
Even though we had the party at a bowling alley, I wanted to do a theme. The twins are completely into The Cat in the Hat right now so I decided that would be the most fun for them. The twins were wearing their "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" shirts I found and I designed a cute cake for them. The cake took about two days to make and I think Cameron and Timo really enjoyed it. Even though they each had their own cakes, they fought over who got to have the Hat!

I think it's safe to say everyone enjoyed all the pizza, juice and cake!
And as part of the package, the birthday twins got their very own personalize, real authentic bowling pins. They absolutely loved them and insisted on holding them on the drive home. The balloons filled up the car which made it even more fun for them. Someone is getting sleepy...
I had to try my best to keep Cameron awake for the drive home, I knew today would be a good nap day...and it was! What a great way to end your 3rd Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Timothy and Cameron! You're 3 years old!!

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