Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Timothy & Cameron!

You two are already 3 years old and it seems just like yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital. In some ways it has seemed long...but in most, it feels like a blink of an eye. You two are the best children any mother could ask for...mainly because you love me in spite of all my faults. I admit that I fall short over and over as a good mommy but you two constantly smother me in hugs, kisses, sweet snuggles and the four words that melt my heart..."I love you Mommy." I'm amazed everyday at all you can do and all you are learning..and humbled by how much I have yet to learn from you both. Your innocence and love for life inspires me to love and live as freely as the both of you do. And in a room full of kids running around everywhere, you two will be side by side, never losing sight of the, how your bond seems to grow more and more over the years. We pray daily that the Lord will guard your little hearts and minds from the things of this world and draw your spirits toward Him. We are so unworthy of the precious gift from our Father but promise to treasure you and guide you the best way we know how. I could write page after page of your qualities and personalities, but here is just a short note to each of you on your 3rd Birthday...
Timothy, your infectious laugh can bring smiles and giggles to anyone who is around you. Most people say you are "so easy" to make laugh...because you really are! I love how you are always aware of the "rules" and make sure everyone else know them...even though you don't always follow them yourself...hmmm. You love our nightly bible story time and somehow find ways to incorporate the story into our lives daily...reminding me say "I'm sorry" just like Jonah said to God...that just warms my heart. I pray these stories become a source of wisdom as you grow and grow. Your sister is your best friend and you love her from the bottom of your tippy toes to the top of your blond hair. All Cameron needs to look your way and you two are off on another adventure...or if she sheds one tear, you race to her side to aid and assist in any way. All things trucks, rockets and balls are at the top of your to-do list these days...we hope we have a future ball player in the house! I love you my son, I look forward to laughing away the years with you!
Cameron, I adore your smile, your laugh and your little voice lifting up songs to Jesus. It seems there is always a song coming from your lips...even if you have to make up the words. You have such an incredible thirst for knowledge, it makes me wonder if we are feeding you all that you are capable of learning. Your emotional maturity amazes me...always asking if I'm OK when I make a troublesome sound or asking "what's wrong?" if you see a disturbed look on some one's face. You're the first to offer up praises to the Lord for beautiful sunshine or prayers for a speeding ambulance going by. I pray your compassion for people continues to grows. I love how you have nicknamed your brother, Buddy..and that he is, your best buddy. You two might not always see eye to eye but your unconditional love for each other keeps you inseparable. Your stuffed animals, puzzles and crayons play a big role in your daily fun as well as the occasional baby doll but nothing is more important that your blankie and Jesus Love Me dogie. I love you Punkin, I look forward to the next year being as full as the past three were!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIMOTHY & CAMERON! Mommy and Daddy love you with all our hearts!

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