Friday, February 18, 2011

We Got New Wheels!

Timo and Cameron's birthday party was on a Saturday and their birthday on that Monday so we decided to give them their present from us on Sunday afternoon...halfway in between. At this point they were already confused Sunday because I said "one more day until your birthday." And Timo said, "no, it's not our birthday anymore." Cameron piped in with "we get two birthdays?" I'm sure they will learn to love celebrating birthdays for a whole weekend!

We got them scooters for their birthday which I bought way back before Christmas on sale. I had this master plan of setting them up with bows and cards and having the kids run in and see them...well, you know what they say about best laid plans...
We were giving the scooters after naptime (good incentive to take a nap..."you get a birthday present if you go to sleep") and Young had a meeting until 3pm anyway. Well, a combination of his meeting running late and the kids waking up early resulted in the kids seeing them was Young was bringing them in the door to set up...Oh well, the end result was the same, just no great "surprise" pictures were taken! They hopped on the scooters immediately and off they went. I was trying to explain how much Mommy and Daddy love them and this was their birthday present...but not sure any of that was heard....

scooters from Sara ko on Vimeo.

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