Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our Little House

This post is long over due but I kept taking pictures of the kids playing with their new playhouse, the post just kept longer and longer. This was the twins Christmas gift from Uncle Kevin and Aunt Angie, Kenzie and cute is this??!! It's a playhouse that they can color!!

About a week later they really started coloring it and bringing it to life...
Then, when most of the outside work was done, it was time for some repairs on the inside. Just like homeowners...always something to fix up around the house! (and you can see the coloring wasn't just limited to the outside either)

Now the house is used as a hiding place...I peeked inside one of the windows but was quickly "shooed" away". The twins will go with pens, paper, scissors, etc and spend unlimited amount of time just doing their own little art projects...or sharpening pencils, their new fav thing to do!

Thank you Uncle Kevin and Aunt Angie...We love our playhouse...

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